Monday, September 17, 2012

A Little Sewing Project

I have had this project almost completed for quite a while!!! All I needed to do was make the binding and sew it on! I can be such a procrastinator over some projects. I wanted to be able to display it for Halloween. So today, I got my rear in gear. The binding is sewn on the front and tonight I will hand sew it on the back. I also sewed a fall tablecloth for my kitchen table. I have had the fabric since this time last year . You see what I mean???? So here is a little peek at what I am making.

I worked yesterday and came home and crashed. I was in bed by a little after 9 pm. It certainly helps that it gets darker earlier.

I also got my house cleaned . I rescued Kirsten-she locked herself out of her house. I picked up Harlee after school. A busy little day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Tracy said...

Oh my goodness I love this!!!!
I plan on de-funkifying my house then I can get out my machine. I have a purse and a couple of tots I have been meaning to sew up for a couple of years now....yup I am a worse....or better procrastinator then you, lol.

cait! said...

Glad to know I get my powerful skills of procrastination from someone.