Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Running Eagle Falls

We left Two Medicine Lake and a bit down the road was Running Eagle Falls. It was a little easy hike from the parking area. Lots of wildflowers along the way.
There is usually water coming over the top of the falls - so that tells how dry it is here right now.

There is a cold front moving in and the winds blowing are down right scary. There is a fire on the hill outside town. I guess Tim has a birds eye view from Dominos on the other side of town.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


cait! said...

Yeah! A paler red. And Rainier has those too, but apparently the briiight Magenta is real unique to there. I wonder if it is a soil thing or something?

Tracy said...

Stunning photos.
I can smell the fresh crisp air, just by your photos. Beautiful.