Monday, August 27, 2012


During our trip to Glacier, as we climbed in elevation we found BearGrass.
It is like grass at the bottom of the plant , and has beautiful white flowers. It is part of the Lily family. And does not bloom every year. It blooms in 5-7 year cycles. And it is the first flower to reappear after a fire.

These last 2 photos were taken back in early July in an area that was ravaged with fires about 6 years ago.

Drove safely to Tacoma with Cait and now enjoying a couple of days out here with her. Weather is beautiful. Skies clear and not filled with smoke. It was pretty much smokey the whole drive yesterday- not good for my allergies. And the temps not so hot as home. Headed back tomorrow, just in time for H's first day of kindergarten.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Tracy said...

These are so pretty, I have never seen or heard about these before, thank you for sharing this.
I was surprised when we were in Montana how close to a fire we were.