Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Update

Just a photo of my awesome little grandson. He is such a ham sometimes.
Not much new--worked the last 2 days.
Tomorrow I have my angiogram--pretty nervous about that one.
And then I get to see the heart conductivity specialist next month and hopefully he will correct my tachycardia with a zap.


Tracy said...

Hi Leslee, your grandson is a little cutie.
No worries about the angiogram. It doesn't hurt in the least. You will be fine. I had mine a few weeks ago, see I'm fine :)

If they ask you if you want a plug instead of the clamp at the end of the procedure. I personally would rather have the clamp.
I have had them both. The clamp you have to stay in the hospital longer.
But with the plug I can still feel it under the skin and it is still tender when I stretch my leg out.
Either way the recovery time and rules are the same.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow, best to you my friend. You will be fine :)

mehmkefar said...

Will be saying some prayers for you today, my friend. Hang in there and all will be fine. Sure love these shots of the grandmonsters. Isn't it wonderful being a grandma?!! Big hugs to you and Curtis today.